I always wanted to explore into polymer clay ever since I started my handmade jewelry hobby. There's so many type and brand of clay available in the market now, eg Fimo, Premo and Sculpy; and I really do not know which one to buy. So I just kept them aside till 2 month back, I met a lady during Arts for Grab bazaar. She was selling miniature made from polymer clay, that can be turn into earrings, phonecharms, bracelet etc. After getting some basic infomations, I decided to buy the clay from her, which is a New Zealand manufactured clay - Du Kit.
Last week I finally bought an oven to start my project. I was so excited yesterday playing with the clay. I made a miniature doll, a orange cat, a chick and 3 mini cupcakes. The colours are so nice and I just can't wait to bake them.

arranging them nicely in the oven
Checking the temperature,
set at 125degC
Set time to 10minsand tick tack tick tack.......
Oh no!!!!!!!
What happen to my miniature??? All burnt!!!!!

I'm not too sure what has went wrong, as I've already follow every step in the instruction manual. Maybe I need to set the temperature lower? Or I have too little things to bake, so I don't have to bake too long? I'll gotto try that to know~