Friday, July 3, 2009

New Kids On The Blog

Gosh!!! It's Friday again and 3rd day of July, means that we are already half way through 2009! 1 week has passed since Louise visit me, and I have not been updating my blog.

Hmmm.... let me see.... first of all , let's welcome ...... new kid on the Blog ...-Louisedancing. Louise, my best buddy drop by my house with her laptop last Friday. She wanted to learn more about how to use blogger. Hehee... can't call myself an expert yet, but I'm certainly more than happy to share my knowledge and experience.

I was like her 2 months back, started a blog but totally "blurr" on how to go about it. Thanks to Brother Chun Kiat, A Chia and Brian, my fellow mentors whom have given me great advise and guidance through my learning curves.

While Melok's Place remains as my personal, family & friends blog; I have now created a new blog for all my darling handmade jewelry - , click here to find out more.

There are a lot more to explore in this cyberspace. What's next? Twiteer...Myspace... Stumble Upon...


  1. 噢...这个家装修了喔...呵呵呵!

  2. 是啊,换个新look 心情也会好些!!呵呵。。。
